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lol the second i upload my level the servers go down.

servers is just overloaded

are the servers down?

nop, but they are heavily overloaded with the amount of traffic and levels

no they are just overloaded lol



I made a 3dash level requests server because I've not seen anybody do 3dash level requests yet.

we have a level codes channel in our server by the way!

damn can you send a normal invite breh


Please add:
Start Positions
Black Backgrounds
NoClip for showcases or a replay feature with practice mode.

black bgs are in, drag the color changer down to the bottom

At 1.3 or some update add a comment and a profile, maybe add a robot, spider, swing copter and a snake gamemode :) And also, add an icon maker.

Good ideas

(1 edit)

I cant open because it says my mac cant allow because it cannot be checked for malicious software.

l bozo ratio


Hey since the game is free would you mind releaseing to source code? I tried dnspy but it didnt seem to work. completely understandable if you dont tho

why doesnt anyone make stuff for chromebook? because thats what im using

i got a virus

ok, but what does this have to do with 3Dash?

You probably got a virus from a different game, as this game does not have any viruses.

(1 edit)

i can't install :(

(1 edit)

use vpn idk

(6 edits) (+1)

Ideas and suggestions:

  • add the ability to change player color
  • make sharp saws(sawblades) more voluminous
  • fix and improve jump from the edge of the block so you can jump instead of falling down
  • add a level restart button to the menu
  • in the editor add slope for mini wave~
Thanks <3

That's all I wanted to say. Feel free to add if anyone has other ideas.

P.S. sorry if there are mistakes, I write through a translator lol

I have a few more ideas but I'll post them later ;D

this game is LAGY not kidding its like killing my pc slow but the mac nah not lagy just 40 fps good sadly i cant get a mac sad :(

she doesn’t lag (my PC is also not top-end). Try setting the process priority to high in task manager.

Who tf dislike raided the comments lmao


People can't take a damn joke lmao

(1 edit) (-1)

3Dash mobile version soon

yep! good luck, spamton boi!

im the one making it so i can lets you know that its not cap

sure you are...

he isn't kidding


omg very epic


3Dash (Unofficial) Discord Server!


good game,i like lever editor...

lol lever
i think you meant level editor
but i'll let that slide

Deleted 2 years ago

bro do you even know how game developing work? the game needs to be made compatible for different types of operating systems first, stop insulting the creator when you are the real idiot here


You're the idiot here, adding a feature to a game and porting the entire codebase to run on a different instruction set are two completely different things. If you think it's so easy then do it yourself and quit whining about what developers do with their own work.


it was a joke, jeez

online level editor is here ig.



(1 edit)

I have started a 3Dash Discord.

If you would like to join, the link is here!

(1 edit)

3Dash (Unofficial) Discord Server!

I still want Android version

Good news, I hooked up my PC to life support and ran 3Dash

source code?



Android PLEASE



please make a Linux build!

and why if you can just get a mac?

no one will just randomly buy a mac just for 3dash

well they can play uhhhhh still mac is still good

I have a mac, but it's technically my parent's. I tested the program with WINE and that doesn't work.

I make my first level and all i want to say is that it (for now) doesn't even last 20 seconds and it has 400+ objects, Is it too much?

P.S I am not making a "troll" level, I'm doing an attempt on something normal.

i built a normal challenge that lasts at least 5 seconds and it has 700+ objects lmao

I am starting a 3Dash Discord.

If you would like to join, the link is Here!

(1 edit) (-1)

man i just uploaded the v1 version

shit sucks

everyone be talking about android but no one be talking about the fact that Writing's not easy. That's why Grammarly can help. This sentence is grammatically correct, but it's wordy, and hard to read. It undermines the writer's message and the word choice is bland. Grammarly's cutting edge technology helps you craft compelling, understandable writing that makes an impact on your reader. Much better. Are you ready to give it a try? Installation is simple and free. Visit Grammarly today!

A Playtest option for the 2d layout could be helpful. Also how are you supposed to build hexahedron gameplay?

If you make it for android make it pls for ios too! (:


Lol IOS is impossible but Android is EZ

false (btw ur both bozo!!!)

haha funny square go cube


i cant even download it cuz  my pc says < if u download your pc is at risk >


bro people complaining about android versions, what about a version compatible on linux distros?

try with Proton by adding it as a  non steam game




wth when i try to open i saids that it cant extract the code, i cant find the screenshot but it does that


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