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Make APK version pls


make APK version DelugeDrop pls!


is not there for phone

is this game safe? when i tried to run it windows stopped me from running it


someone please tell me im scared ngl


Deleted post

thank you


windows stops you from running any exe you download from a browser, it doesn't mean the game isn't safe

was there a defender pop-up? it usually happens to unsigned programs.

if i could close this i would but the issue is resolved so you dont need to comment

i like this game :)


Difficulty changes:

Blip Stream: Hard ---> Harder

Amp it Up: Harder ---> Hard

Seriously, i have beaten Amp it Up before Blip Stream.



The game is fun but I have two suggestions.

1. Add a progress bar at the top of the screen so we know how far until the end of the level.

2. Build the game to Android.

I just started and I LOVE the game, 1 suggestion, can you make a character customizer plz. Thx :)


Ideas for 1.2:

Level Editor, but no online

Secret Coins (Gold = official, silver = editor)

Spider and Robot (maybe for Level Editor, maybe for original)

Secret Vault or Secret Level like Cursed


And one more thing...

New levels! It is Monster Gauntlet, levels: hard, easy, insane, harder, demon. 

And... Auto Levels!

Please add something in the game!

there is a secret level

but more secret level would be cool

You forgot Android ;((((

Please, add coins to the game.


hey could you make a 32 bits version?

who uses 32 bit systems in 2022?

him apparently


maybe you could make a level editor?


LOVE the new levels!

One small suggestion for any future stuff: Cosmic Growl had parts where you'd go over lots of humps and down curves, and I think the actual line and speed went a little too close to the curvature of the ground blocks. For example, the spike on top after the vertical section in the beginning feels wonky; in a physically accurate world there would be some deceleration, and the cube would 'slow down' in a sense before coming to the spike.   If you're not going for the physically accurate feel then disregard, just an intuition thing to help the sightreading a bit.


Cool but I only have 2 suggestions:
1. make a level editor
2. revert the block to a spike at the mini ship to mini wave transition in aircraft

why cant i open the game

me nither

i think my PC thinks its a viris bc it keeps crashing


Petition for DelugeDrop to make a mobile version of 3Dash.

This is a joke so please don't be offended


but a mobile version would be great


Why dont you start a GoFundMe for a level editor, set a goal of money to be donated and if the community are able to pay the amount then you create an editor for the community to use.

(1 edit) (+2)

thanks for 1.1 and create Robot and Spider mode + more secrets please :)

Why won't it let me download the Windows version on my computer using Windows 10?

i use windows 10 and it works fine so i guess its your computer

Amazing game, but is there any chance that the source code will be released or a level editor, so others can make mods or (even better) add to the existing game?

A level editor would be awesome, think of all the possibilities :) I really hope that one day players can create their own levels and there could maybe even be a whole community of the game.

Hitboxes are hard, but otherwise this game is amazing! 

Deleted 2 years ago

tf bro

The game won't download

that's what i have but it's stuck at 151mb / 151mb


It really brought home the idea of having 3 dimensions and was also a lot of fun. Well done!

(1 edit)

You should add robot in v1.2

(1 edit) (+1)

This game should ahave a level editor

                 CHANGE MY MIND

edit: welp

I like the idea of this game, it's something I've never seen before in all my 7 years of playing GD, however the way that the ball works in this game is pretty annoying and very hard to sightread. Awesome game tho!

(1 edit)

Here is another bug

music and practice music playing at the same time

hi great developer!

it's not silksong, it's not 2.2, it's 3DASH!!

I can't even download it because I'm on a mobile!



of course you cant. its for pc dummy!

Shut up


This is absolute dogsh*t  (Again)

(1 edit)

Good game. I love how it's just different enough to make the the game feel brand new without making it completely different


i tried running the .exe file and it became a background proccess


Theres so much input delay for me. Is there anyway to modify the fps i get? Im only getting 60fps well my monitor is 155fps.



I have a bug. Resolution Bug, in 1366x768 an average laptop resolution, the back button is unavailable in that resolution can you just add a setting to change the (user interface-UI) scale

I cant download it, it says "Failed Download" When i try it, someone help

Bro for some reason it says #dash Mac 4 can't be open beacause apple cannot check it for malicious software any idea on how to fix that

from a post below:

Try right-clicking and opening the app. You will be met with a dialog box saying "macOS cannot verify the developer of “3Dash”. Are you sure you want to open it?" from which you can click the Open icon on the left:

secret level!

I can't play it on my Mac. It says the game needs to be updated in order to play on my device. 
Here is the  error given:
"“3Dash Mac” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.

This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information."

I would love to play this game. :/

same here


rom a post below:

Try right-clicking and opening the app. You will be met with a dialog box saying "macOS cannot verify the developer of “3Dash”. Are you sure you want to open it?" from which you can click the Open icon on the left:

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