Credits to Rigenix and Supertoady for telling this to me.
Hey guys! well I'm writing this because i want to say DelugeDrop ended all the servers of 3Dash and they will come back in a long time. Sadly we can't play Online Levels until DelugeDrop is back and finally turns on servers again. This is the reason:
In DelugeDrop's new video, he said that he will take down his website, and the Online Levels in 3Dash due to that he thinks it's too much for him.
For people who like finding MLG paths (paths that make progress through the level normally that the creator didn't intend on), when you reach this point in the image shown on Blip Stream, you can jump past the yellow orb instead of hitting it, and still reach the platform with the blue pad. (Screenshot from Partition Zion's 3Dash video)
GD is also free u just need to go to and search on there geometry dash and boom it will take u to uplaod haven and if u press download on uplaod haven and takes u to other site leave the fishy site and wait until it starts dowload in uplaod haven
If you are not aware, in DelugeDrop's most recent video he said that he will take down his official website along with the 3Dash servers because he thinks it's too much for him.
However, you can download this with working servers and I highly recommend it: [3Dash+] If you do come across any problems, ask MG95 on Discord (MG95#9595)
Credits to Rigenix and Supertoady for telling this to me.
Hey guys! well I'm writing this because i want to say DelugeDrop ended all the servers of 3Dash and they will come back in a long time. Sadly we can't play Online Levels until DelugeDrop is back and finally turns on servers again. This is the reason:
In DelugeDrop's new video, he said that he will take down his website, and the Online Levels in 3Dash due to that he thinks it's too much for him.
← Return to game
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DelugeDrop ended all the servers.
Credits to Rigenix and Supertoady for telling this to me.
Hey guys! well I'm writing this because i want to say DelugeDrop ended all the servers of 3Dash and they will come back in a long time. Sadly we can't play Online Levels until DelugeDrop is back and finally turns on servers again. This is the reason:
In DelugeDrop's new video, he said that he will take down his website, and the Online Levels in 3Dash due to that he thinks it's too much for him.
DelugeDrop's Video:
Thanks for reading.
Add for android tablets.
It wont let me play it
Go to system preferences. Go to general. Click OK on the near corner of the screen
i cant because it wont let me unzip/i dont have unzip button
Then, Just download a Unzip App.
i can't even enter because my cumputer thinks it will put my computer at risk when i open it!
please fix this
Want to Be friends Xconnor1220X Or Not?
For people who like finding MLG paths (paths that make progress through the level normally that the creator didn't intend on), when you reach this point in the image shown on Blip Stream, you can jump past the yellow orb instead of hitting it, and still reach the platform with the blue pad. (Screenshot from Partition Zion's 3Dash video)
asking for the author to update this game day 1
He quit and turned down the servers, he won't be here in many many days.
update 3 dash plz
He quit and turned down the servers, he won't be here in many many days.
how do i download
nah bro idk 💀💀💀
Step 1: Click on 'download'
how do I write to the author of this masterpiece?how do I write to the author of this masterpiece?
u just dont
He quit and turned down the servers, he won't be here in many many days.
im epic memer kid and i kool 😎1️⃣3️⃣3️⃣7️⃣
No, your not!
top g saving my life i follow you. - hasvghvcuwerndshvgehkjfbgvf
Can we Be friends?
Thanks for trying to rickroll me
when are the servers gonna be back up?
it only work windos tho
just copy over the Assembly-CSharp.dll from 3Dash_Data/Managed to wherever it is in the mac version
Wow u cool
Windows is better then mac
yes mr. corn also imma block u now i am cool. - qdjwbdhcbnahsbghubhvnihsbd
Chromebook is better then mac windows and microsoft and DELL
man stfu fr windows is better than u and ur mom
He quit and turned down the servers, he won't be here in many many days.
oh ok
i cant see the levels in the online levels?
Its because the servers are down
Bruh it always happens
Even worse than rob's servers
DelugeDrop quit and plus he shut down the servers, you can download 3Dash+ for online levels but it's only windows
yes i downloaded it, play id 703
He quit and turned down the servers, he won't be here in many many days.
How do I play
My first map
how do I play
Step 1: you play
I love this!
Please make linux version!
Please make linux version!
Please make linux version!
(im too poor for gdash)
in debt 💀
bro gouys go through all the videos and turn them one without turning off old ones
this game suck
Better then Geometry dash - and free
GD is also free u just need to go to and search on there geometry dash and boom it will take u to uplaod haven and if u press download on uplaod haven and takes u to other site leave the fishy site and wait until it starts dowload in uplaod haven
Join the Unofficial 3Dash Discord Server:
If you are not aware, in DelugeDrop's most recent video he said that he will take down his official website along with the 3Dash servers because he thinks it's too much for him.
However, you can download this with working servers and I highly recommend it: [3Dash+] If you do come across any problems, ask MG95 on Discord (MG95#9595)
i am beta tester :)
I really enjoyed the game, only missed the progress bar when died
hi i cant play the game
you have to play on a computer
DelugeDrop ended all the servers.
Credits to Rigenix and Supertoady for telling this to me.
Hey guys! well I'm writing this because i want to say DelugeDrop ended all the servers of 3Dash and they will come back in a long time. Sadly we can't play Online Levels until DelugeDrop is back and finally turns on servers again. This is the reason:
In DelugeDrop's new video, he said that he will take down his website, and the Online Levels in 3Dash due to that he thinks it's too much for him.
DelugeDrop's Video:
linux port would be cool
Yes, please make linux version.
this is bedar