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can someone give me a link to the original song in electrobrawl I can't find it😭😭😭

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

The server error may be due to having to much downloads or other stockage errors, note: DO NOT DOWNLOAD CCLEANER IN ANYWAY, IT IS A SPYWARE/MALWARE. So just wait till DelugeDrop finds about this and fixes it,

Thank you for reading this and have a nice day.

Deleted post

Thanks y'all. I really just saw how my PC has a Spyware on. The thing was that the Spyware of the application was hidden as the Windows process csrss. Basically the process that runs Windows. So i found it and uninstalled the app. Thanks! 

Deleted 2 years ago

but i have one question:How I will Know If I Download 3D Geometry Dash It Will Download Too CCleaner?Answer me.


(1 edit) (+2)

Online levels do this now (no, it's not a storage issue. Yes, I do have network.)


linux build when?


Now i don't know what to do, and yes i have WiFi.


the same thing is happening to me i even reinstalled the game and i'm getting annoyed i just wanna play the game

(2 edits) (-4)

For all the people that are having problems while downloading the game.

Hello there! Errors generally appear when downloading. Specially in low PCs. This is because the 3Dash Mac and Windows are 151 and 161 MB. That's an high amount of megabytes. That can cause to the PC stop downloading because the PC can't download all that space. Also the problems can be generated due to the own game. It contains 2 folders with many files. All of those files can be easily cause problems to the Windows Download Manager, as Windows or Mac can't process all of those files, so it just cancels the installation at the point a file is not registered. Also the problems can be caused due to the old version of the computer too. To clean your PC i recommend installing an antivirus like Avast or Malwarebytes (i have Malwarebytes) and a good PC optimizer like CCleaner. I recommend to update your Windows/Mac version (i have Windows 10).

Thanks for reading and i hope this helped you!

Deleted post

WTF IS CLEANER?!?!?!?!?!?!?!???!!??

Deleted post

Ok thanks, i wasn't gonna do it anyway but if it is saying server error the gay may just have some problem with too much downloads so stockage is max. I realy hope he makes servers for this game. It's been 2 days i think?

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Awesome take on geometry dash in 3D, You should add Icons like:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Master Icon


Server error when starting any level. Please help

every time i press download, the game isint their

Hi you can put windowed mode so others that have low end pcs can play

uhhh hi so when -i try and download the game it just says "download cancelled: forbidden" at like 75% so how do i fix it


Read my post if you have problems downloading the 3Dash game. (latest one)

Deleted post

Just run it with Wine.

Deleted post

I support this idea, can't run it with wine neither :( but as far as i could play, it was wonderful :')


A Linux version is not a bad idea. But the complication is doing the Android one. Doing a mobile ver. to the game is not easy. I mean, only like idk a little bit of games in all have a mobile ver.

(1 edit)

every time i open the game it crashes on macOS 10.13.6 help!

(1 edit) (-4)

Are you on macOS? Is it the most recent version of macOS?

You can optimize your PC with CCleaner for example... Or download Avast or Malwarebytes. Virus and garbage on your PC slows down your PC a lot. Also updating to the most recent version of macOS it's not a bad idea.

NO DONT DOWNLOAD CCLEANER!! People in the comments are saying that ccleaner is malware/virus. While it might look very real, it is very easy to fall for! I hope you did not download ccleaner and listen to this scammer! 

Thank you.

Help every time i download then it automaticly deletes it

Well I randomly fixed i lol


DAMMN I love GD and this just feels like normal geometry dash. This has immense potential so keep up the good work!!!! :D

pls linux download

-posted in ubuntu with kde 11




Android version is really hard to do. I mean, i have been in more than 1 year and i didn't see any game with a Mobile ver. (Only 1 in my life).



Android download


so fun


got it


how do i play it after download?

everytime i open it it crashes :(
im on macos 10.13.6

Please help!!

Qualcuno vuole giocare al mio livello? ID 19485

Deleted post

Unofficial 3Dash Discord Server!
Level codes channel!
A lifesteal minecraft smp!
A SkyFactory One minecraft server!
Level Of The Week!
Dont Break The Chain!
Over 100 people!
3Dash Mods!
Random events!
like 15 channels for different [number]Dashes by @Nolan0027


Check them out! Also i'm working on the world's hardest jump on 3Dash.




Añade Mas Cubos para Equiparse pls

5208 is pretty cool (not mine)

(1 edit)

3dash è un bel gioco. Ma dovresti mettere queste cose:

1. E' scomodo uscire dall'editor per fare il playtest. Il tasto Playtest deve stare anche su 2D editor.

2. Ci deve essere anche la versione per telefono

3. Dove sono finiti i Dash orb e i 4x speed portal?

4. Dove sono finiti i robot e i ragni?

remove the scroll wheel thing my scroll wheel doesnt work

roblox face

thnx i now



Anche io lo desidero

Android version is really hard to do. I mean, i have been in more than 1 year and i didn't see any game with a Mobile ver. (Only 1 in my life).



Get One


get one


Android version is really hard to do. I mean, i have been in more than 1 year and i didn't see any game with a Mobile ver. (Only 1 in my life).


Make the Mobile version



Android version is really hard to do. I mean, i have been in more than 1 year and i didn't see any game with a Mobile ver. (Only 1 in my life).

Deleted 2 years ago

Eh, non lo so



Anyone want to play my level? its a little short, not too hard. ID: 18515

of corse i do

(1 edit)

3Dash Mod Menu discord server
ModMenu Features:

- Infinite Render Distance
- Noclip
- Instant Complete
[New!] Speedhack
- Object Limit Bypass
- Verify Hack


F2 - Show/hide the GUI
F1 - Lock/unlock the mouse in place and make it invisible
[New!] F3 - Load editor scene


we alr got a 3dash megahack XD


megahack 3Dash version

yes this mod is infact very cool


why is this game how goo

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